Which is the worst addiction: gambling, cigarette, or alcohol?

In reality, no different kinds of addiction as such exist; only different forms of this disorder.
While someone else is dependent on alcohol or on illegal drugs or on another person who has a gambling or other behavior, the core factor in each one is the same: an all-consuming relationship with a substance or behavior that changes the mood.
We all know that people who give up a drug or activity are at risk of developing an additional addictive relationship.
Which is worst addiction: gambling, cigarette, or alcohol?
Some people have coexistence with addictive relationships with various substances or behavior. Thus a person can find that they both care about their use of alcohol and cocaine.
Or another person may have a problem with gambling, alcohol and pornography at the same time. Substances that are administered by the taker can establish dependency or drugs prescribed by the doctor. Any legal drugs may be purchased and consumed illegally.
The common topic of addiction has many variants and combinations. Whatever the features of the relationship, the same diagnostic criteria can be applied.
Although all forms of addiction are bad and have several harmful consequences, there are some harms that are unique to the use of this particular substance or actions.
Of example, the mental and physical effects of an alcohol addiction vary from those of heroin, cocaine or gambling addiction.
It is important to note that addictions can either cause or result from attempts to deal with mental health problems.
Fortunately, many people suffer from symptoms of mental illness following treatment. Nevertheless, it is not always the case and proper care needs to be taken.
Alcohol is a progressive, chronic disease and can in many cases be lethal when alcoholic beverages are not regulated. In addition to work responsibilities, it interferes with physical, emotional, social and/or family wellbeing.
Physical and mental disabilities can coexist with dependency. Others, including those who have origins in traumatic events, such as early-life trauma, play a role in dependence, whereas others can result.
Pre-existing conditions as well as decreased overall health, infections and injuries caused by dependent actions and lifestyle which neglect personal care can be physical problems.
The profile of a person also includes muscle stress and pain as well as dental problems.
A person who has a gambling addiction normally tries to stop playing on several occasions. When you know someone who tried several times to stop playing, but ended up playing, then that person will probably have a gambling addiction.
Gambling addicts are typically the same as controlled substance and drug addicts as they try to stop, such as irritability, wrath and even insomnia.
The causes for letting the debt get out from hand can be all sorts, including sickness, loss of loved ones, loss of a job or other unfortunate circumstances.